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ACTUAL EXCHANGE RATE CMKB: 18.10.2024 ZP MO 1R SSD CZ 2025 1.057 CZK/MWh <       18.10.2024 ZP VO 1R SSD CZ 2025 1.054 CZK/MWh >       18.10.2024 PHM MON D CZ 2024 15.99 CZK/litr <       17.10.2024 EE VN 1R SSD CZ 2025 2.543 CZK/MWh >        ACTUAL EXCHANGE RATE ČNB: 22.10.2024     USD 23,279     EUR 25,270     

Exchange market News: 25th week 2021

Kladno 25.6.2021

At the Czech Moravian Commodity Exchange Kladno 9 contracts for the supply of 6.2 thousand MWh of electricity and natural gas for final customers worth 8.5 million crowns were concluded in the 25th week.
Two-year electricity contracts in low-voltage were traded at 1765 CZK/MWh, in high-voltage at 1800 CZK/MWh.
Two-year natural gas contracts closed at 659 CZK/MWh.


Czech moravian commodity exchange Kladno
nám. Sítná 3127, 272 01 Kladno
Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 312 818 040
e-mail: info@cmkbk.cz